

同理心 helps build trust and understanding between colleagues, leading to better collaboration and a more harmonious work environment overall. Managers with good empathy skills are able to recognize employees’ feelings and respond accordingly, creating an atmosphere of respect and appreciation that helps boost morale. 

Managers with empathy skills are better able to read their teams’ body language and facial expressions, which can give important clues about how they are feeling. This helps them adjust their approach as needed and make sure that employees feel empowered and valued. 最终, training managers in empathy increases productivity, 减少工作压力, 并有助于留住顶尖人才. 

通过投资于管理者的同理心培训, businesses can create an office environment that encourages creativity, 协作与创新. Investing in empathy skills is a vital step towards creating a successful workplace culture.

The cost of not applying empathy to situations could be more costly than the initial investment, as it can lead to a lack of trust and respect between colleagues, 降低士气, decreased productivity and high turnover rates. 因此, investing in empathy training for managers is essential for businesses that want to foster an atmosphere of understanding and collaboration. 

另外, 当管理者缺乏同理心时, it can create an uncomfortable atmosphere in the workplace, as employees feel they are not being heard or taken seriously. This leads to resentment and a lack of motivation, significantly reducing productivity. 此外, managers who do not demonstrate empathy miss out on opportunities for better understanding their team’s needs, leading to them making decisions without fully considering the larger issues.


Moser 学习 offers four different types of empathy training programs to help drive your leadership forward. Each program is a 2-hour customized session which can be virtual or in-person for your team.

Human-Centric Skills: How to Create a Culture of 同理心 at Work

培训课程编号. 1

Human-Centric Skills: How to Create a Culture of 同理心 at Work

Are you doing what it takes to help your people survive, stabilize, and thrive at work? 85% of workers report a decline in their overall wellness over the last year. Your people feel over-whelmed and under-equipped; they crave meaningful support. A recent report on workplace empathy showed that 76% of employees directly linked productivity to the presence (or absence!)共情. How your organization supports people in the midst of hard times matters; it drives retention, 有助于吸引人才, 改变大脑化学, 让人们知道你真的在乎.

What is you could feel empowered to competently care for yourself and those around you at work? 在这个互动中, 反光的会话, workplace empathy expert Liesel Mertes empowers people to be workplace first responders, offering empathy and connection when it matters most.


1.  What is empathy and why does it matter at work

2.  How to build the necessary skills to communicate and support your people as they deal with disruptive life events

3.  Strategies to effectively create buy-in to expand empathetic engagement within your organization

Survive, Stabilize, Thrive: Combatting Compassion and Change Fatigue at Work

培训课程编号. 2

Survive, Stabilize, Thrive: Combatting Compassion and Change Fatigue at Work

How do we build cultures of care when we feel personally exhausted and overwhelmed? The unrelenting stress of rising inflation and continued COVID uncertainty, 结合客户需求, is leading to change fatigue and exhaustion at work. 这与同情疲劳相伴, the emotional residue of exposure to the grief or trauma of others, 抑制了mg官方游戏中心联系的能力.

What if you could feel equipped to meaningfully combat change/compassion fatigue in the face of unrelenting demands? 在这个互动和鼓舞人心的会议, workplace empathy expert Liesel Mindrebo Mertes will equip you with strategies to boost mental wellness and combat both change and compassion fatigue.


1.  识别同情/改变疲劳的迹象

2.  Create positive internal messages for times of stress

3.  Engage in embodied and community-based practices that reduce stress and overwhelm


培训课程编号. 3


同理心 and human connection are a cornerstone of great client experiences. Building on the foundation of the Human-Centric Keynote (a prerequisite), this interactive session helps sales and customer-service representatives to practice foundational skills of empathetic engagement.

Based on organization-specific feedback (gathered in pre-session surveys), mg官方游戏中心将通过一些你最常见的, 面向客户的痛点. 利用情感镜像之类的技能, 超然, 和avatar-reflection, participants will emerge equipped to flip the script on escalating customer interactions, instead creating unforgettable moments of human (and brand!)连接.


1.  Utilize emotional mirroring to diffuse situations

2.  How to flip the script on an escalating situation

3.  Practice three imaginative scenarios that boost client success

弹性团队:健康社区  释放蓬勃发展

培训课程编号. 4


Are you doing what it takes to help your people survive, stabilize, and thrive at work? 85% of workers report a decline in their overall wellness over the last year. Your people feel over-whelmed and under-equipped; they crave meaningful support. A recent report on workplace empathy showed that 76% of employees directly linked productivity to the presence (or absence!)共情. How your organization supports people in the midst of hard times matters; it drives retention, 有助于吸引人才, 改变大脑化学, 让人们知道你真的在乎.

What is you could feel empowered to competently care for yourself and those around you at work? 在这个互动中, 反光的会话, workplace empathy expert Liesel Mertes empowers people to be workplace first responders, offering empathy and connection when it matters most.


1.  Identify myths and misinformation around resilience

2.  Cultivate replicable practices to boost resilience

3. Co-create strategies for resilience in your work community

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